7" Crystal Singing Bowl - Heart Chakra (Note ‘F’)
The pure tone produced by this Crystal Singing Bowl will encase you in a protective cocoon of loving vibrational energy, cleansing your mind, body, spirit, and space. The smoothing sound can be used as a tool to help guide you during meditation. Encouraging you to you to pause, practise presence and experience peace.
Crystal Singing Bowls Frequencies and Notes:
Note ‘F’
This Singing Bowl comes in note 'F' which resonates with the Heart Chakra. This is a perfect bowl for those who want to attract loving energies by being able to give a receive love freely and authentically.
Make it your own and choose the perfect bundle for you!
Love Bundle:
9” Yerba Santa and Rose Quartz Crystal
- Perfect for attracting loving energies into your life!
Ascension Bundle:
Blue Sage and Palo Santo with a Selenite Crystal Wand.
- Tap into your inner self, it’s time to elevate your spiritual journey!
Protection Bundle:
9” White Sage and Amethyst Druze.
- Stay protected, guided, and balanced.
Chosen bundle
O-Ring (stand)
Bowl 7"