Let's talk 'Angel Numbers'.
How many times have you noticed '11:11' on the clock, a number plate with '777', or an instagram post with '222' likes? Why is it that on some days we see these numbers consistently and on other days we don't? And why is it that when we google these numbers theres never a clear definition of what they actually mean?
Well i'm here to tell you that the key to understanding the real meaning of these signs is you. By the end of this blog you will understand why. We will explore why and how these numbers may represent something different each time you see them. And why It's important to understand that these 'definitions' are simply loose guidelines to help guide us.
So let's look at the generic definition of each angel number..
Guideline definitions:
111 - Intuition, Trust
222 - Alignment, Right path
333 - Support, Guidance
444 - Protection, Growth
555 - Changes, Redirection
666 - Awareness, Give grace to yourself and others
777 - Luck, New blessings
888 - Balance, Everything is aligning
999 - Release and let go
1010 - Completion, Renewal
'Angel numbers' are quite fluid in their definitions, so to truly understand them you need to become aware of your emotional state and current thoughts. Pay attention to how you're feeling and what are you thinking when you see an angel number. Let me explain why...
'Angel numbers' are sent to you as a response to your thoughts, questions, prayers and experiences. So without the acknowledgement of yourself, these numbers will just remain numbers with little significance.
My 'Angel Number' story
A few weeks ago, I was feeling a little down and felt stagnant in my life, I woke up everyday feeling uninspired. Each night I prayed to God to help me find a way out of the negative mindset. I started journaling and thinking of new ways to relight that fire that once burned inside me. I started thinking about expanding my business, however I felt as though I was lacking the confidence I needed to pursue it. The next morning I woke up and prayed to God to help me find the faith and confidence to follow my dreams and create the necessary changes in my life. A few hours later I had arrived at work and was assigned a task, I was handed a sheet of numbered stickers, the first sticker had the numbers '555', I smiled because I know exactly what this meant. In that moment I turned around and saw '15:55' on the clock. Two clear identical signs less than a minute apart.
And I understood it entirely.
'555' represents big changes, exactly what I had been praying for. Seeing this number was confirmation that these changes will come and I should have the confidence to pursue them. Without connecting my emotional state and thoughts with the signs I was given, I may not have understood it.
Examples of understanding 'angel numbers'
Example 1: You're thinking about starting something new, a new job, new relationship, new routine... and see the number '1111’, this is a sign to believe in this new beginning and to keep going.
Example 2: You're running late and start to feel angry, you're frustrated because you wanted to have a good day. You see '999' on the number plate of the car in front of you. You remember that it means 'release and let go'. You receive the sign and decide to make a conscious effort to not let minor inconveniences ruin your day.
So, what are angel numbers?
They are little nudges and reminders that can be used to assist in keep us guided and aligned. However, to wholeheartedly receive and understand these signs we must first understand ourselves.
Lots of love & many blessings,
Shanaya Evans