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7 Major Chakras Introduction

Writer's picture: Th3rdTh3rd

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

7 seven chakras, crown chakra, third eye chakra, throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, root chakra

Chakra (Cakra) is the Sanskrit word for ‘wheel’ which refers to the energy centres within our body. We have 7 major chakras that run vertically from the base of our spine to the top of

our head. Our Chakras contribute to the wellness of our mind, body and soul, so it is important to have a basic understanding of our bodies Energy system to help us identify which Chakras need balancing.

This first part of our Series will be all about identifying our Chakras attributes and qualities, broadening your awareness so that you have the ability to maintain the wellbeing of your bodies energy system.


The Root Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Muladhara

Element: Earth

Stone: Hematite

Colour: Red

All about: Security and Survival

The Root Chakra is the first of the energy centres. This Chakra is located at the base of the spine in the perineum, drawing energy from the magnetic field at the earth’s core. This anchors our spirit onto the physical plane, manifesting our worldly existence.


When the Root Chakra is aligned it establishes a sense of Peace, Safety, Security, Stability and a strong connection to the material world. This is achieved when our basic Human needs are met.


When the Root Chakra is overactive it means that it is distributing to much energy and is working in overdrive. This can cause feelings of Stress, Insecurity, Anger, overbearing boundaries, fixating on material possessions and increased paranoia. This imbalance is due to our basic human needs not being met and feeling a lack of security and stability.


An underactive Root Chakra means that it is not experiencing a sustainable flow of energy causing a blockage. This can affect our mental and physical health causing poor concentration, Fatigue, lack of healthy boundaries, feeling isolated and a sense of disconnection to the material plane. This is usually experienced by people who have always had their survival needs taken care of.


The Sacral Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana

Element: Water

Stone: Tigers eye

Colour: Orange

All About: Sexuality and Creativity

The Sacral Chakra rests in the Pelvis, governing the reproductive system.

This energy centre is about our ability to move forward in life, express our creativity and sexual needs.


When the Sacral Chakra is balanced it allows feelings of joy and pleasure to flow freely without the presence of shame, allowing us to grow emotionally and form abiding connections with another. When the Chakra is balanced it is open to receiving abundance, pleasure, fulfilment and creativity.


When the Sacral Chakra is overactive it can cause addiction to fleeting pleasures, lack of care for the body and unhealthy attitudes towards sex, causing co-dependency and physical dependency.


If the Sacral Chakra is out of balance, we may experience feelings of shame and guilt when expressing our sexual and creative desires, causing a lack of joy and pleasure. This can trigger feelings of depression, poor social skills, decreased libido, a lack of creativity and low self-esteem. These symptoms are an indication that your Sacral Chakra is underactive and is not distributing a sustainable flow of energy.


The Solar Plexus Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Manipura

Element: Fire

Stone: Citrine

Colour: Yellow

All About: Willpower and Confidence

The Solar Plexus is the 3rd Chakra, it sits over the stomach just below the diaphragm. This Chakra governs our inner strength, self-worth, confidence, wisdom and personal power. This is why when we experience nervousness or a lack of confidence, we usually feel a nauseas sensation within our stomach.


A balanced Solar Plexus gives us the courage to be strong within our truth and have an affirmed sense of self hood. We will make wise decisions by understanding what does and does not serve us, by exercising our innate power. The element of the Solar Plexus Chakra is Fire, this is the energy of passion which influences how we interact with the world.


An overactive Solar Plexus can be the cause of controlling behaviour, short temper, greed, narcissism and lack of empathy and compassion. This is due to the Solar Plexus emitting too much energy causing it to work in overdrive, amplifying the Characteristics of the Energy Centre.


An underactive Solar Plexus can cause feelings of insecurity, indecisiveness, self-limiting thoughts and behaviours, causing the need for approval and acceptance from others. This can also cause digestive issues and stress related illnesses. The lack of energy within this Chakra causes a blockage that can make us vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation.


The Heart Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Anahata

Element: Air

Stone: Rose Quartz

Colour: Green

All About: Love, Joy and Generosity

The Heart Chakra is the centre of love, it operates on the physical, emotional and energetic planes. The Heart Chakra is about being able to give and receive love effortlessly and authentically.


A balanced heart Chakra allows us to truly connect with others and ourselves through love, joy and generosity. As we require less from the external world to nurture and care for us we are able to give more back by sharing love, peace and kindness and offering our understanding to those around us.


An overactive Heart Chakra can manifest in Jealousy, naivety, strong attachment issues, feelings of co-dependency, falling in love quickly and being overly empathetic and sensitive, causing you to have little regard for you own wellbeing.


A blocked Heart Chakra can be caused by heartbreak or trauma, which prevents us from expressing our love freely due to lack of trust and fear. We can experience withdrawn behaviour, lack of empathy, the inability to forgive or let go of past experiences. This is caused by there not being a sufficient steam of energy within the Hearts Energy centre.


The Throat Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha

Element: The Ethers

Stone: Turquoise

Colour: Turquoise

All About: Speaking Our Truth and Expression

The Throat Chakra covers the area of the internal and external throat and governs the thyroid. This Chakra represents truth, communication, integrity, and self-expression. This Chakra will hold the energy and memory of all that was unexpressed and left unsaid.


A Balanced Throat Chakra will allow you to express your truth freely by communicating your thoughts and emotions. You will have the confidence to speak up for what you believe in and not be muted by others.


Having an overactive Throat Chakra can cause you to belittle other people’s opinions and expressions by not listening to them or by talking over them. Portraying arrogant and facetious behaviour, lying frequently by embellishing or exaggerating the truth and being unaware of other people feelings. This can physically manifest in throat pains, infections and oral problems.


Those with an underactive Throat Chakra are often shy, quiet and are frequently dependent on others to give them permission to express their thoughts and feelings. They supress their truth due to fear of controversy and not being heard. This can stem from growing up or living in an environment where your thoughts are not heard or valued causing a blockage limiting our energy flow.


The Brow Chakra (Third Eye)

Sanskrit Name: Ajna

Element: The Cosmos

Stone: Amethyst

Colour: Indigo

All About: Intuition

The Brow Chakra also known as the Third Eye is home to our innate intelligence, awareness and intuition. This Chakra is connected with both the physical and spiritual planes closely aligning it to the higher mind and enlightenment. It is through our Brow Chakra that we decide how to perceive and respond to situations that evokes our feelings.


Feeling connected and having the ability to perceive on both a physical and non-physical level. Using our intuition to guide us and understanding when and how to respond to situations in a wholesome manner.


An overactive brow Chakra can manifest in many ways, causing you to experience episodes of paranoia, hallucinations, nightmares, psychic visions, and finding it difficult to connect or relate to the human experience thus impacting your daily life.


Having an underactive Brow Chakra is common. A blocked Brow Chakra means that people may find it difficult to connect to spirituality or the higher power. Some of these symptoms are lack of imagination, bad memory, narrow minded, difficulty recalling dreams, and inability to notice signs or tap into intuition. Whilst physical symptoms can cause poor vision, fatigue and headaches.


The Crown Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara

Element: The Cosmos

Stone: Clear Quartz

Colour: Violet

All About: Wisdom and Connection to The Divine

The Crown Chakra is the most elevated Chakra in the energy system. This 7th Chakra controls the penial gland which is responsible for producing melatonin and regulating our body clock. Our Crown Chakra rests at the top of the midbrain below the cerebral hemisphere. It offers us the energy of cosmic consciousness and a connection with the source of our being.

Balancing this Chakra means that the other six Chakras have to be aligned. The alignment of the 7th Chakra is said to deepen our connection with divine energy allowing us to experience true bliss also known as transcendence, and spirituality.


Thank you so much for reaching the end of the first part of our Chakra Series, we hope that we have been able to help you gain a better understanding about the Chakra System in depth!

Hopefully this has been able to help you identify which of your own Chakras may need balancing.

The second part of the series will discuss various techniques and healing practises we can use to get our Chakras back in balance and we can’t wait to share them with you!

Wishing you high vibrations & happiness

Thank you




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